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3 Ways to Ground Yourself During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is often busy and can fly by. We find that taking a few moments for ourselves and setting our intentions during these whirlwind months – planning, gift-giving, traveling, meal-prepping, taking care of loved ones, and participating in festive celebrations – helps us stay grounded and present. 

Here's a few ways to combat the demands of the season and give ourselves some space to breathe:

Appreciate the morning with a cup of tea. Especially as the weather moves through fall into winter, it helps to open the day with warmth. We love Qi Tea for both its taste and its beauty. We recommend using a clear tea pot to fully appreciate that beauty. Pour hot water over the flower, enjoy the sight of the flower steeping for a few minutes, then sip and savor. We're using our Convivial Minimal Mugs.

Verdant Convivial Production Kansas City

Verdant Convivial Production Kansas City

Verdant Convivial Production Kansas City

Arrange florals as a meditative exercise. All you need is a floral bundle, a pair of pruners or shears, a Kenzan, and a Convivial Minimal Bowl, Salad Dish, or Bud Vases.

With a few stems in a bundle, you can forget the overwhelm and take your time intentionally placing each flower. A handful of flowers can still be high-impact – especially when using a Kenzan. It's a sure-fire way to design. And how satisfying it is to create something special in under ten minutes!

Verdant Convivial Production Kansas City

Verdant Convivial Production Kansas City

Verdant Convivial Production Kansas City

Lastly, write out your gratitude and set your intentions. Spend 5-10 minutes writing down three things you’re grateful for, and / or identify intentions for the day or week. Even if it’s a [seemingly] insignificant thing like the warmth of your tea, or the sunshine spilling through your windows - this act of writing can be a transformative discipline. 

Verdant Convivial Production Kansas City

We really love our lined Magnolia journal for these expressions of gratitude and intention-setting. And if the writing begins to feel cumbersome to you, light your favorite Verdant candle to create an ambience that sets the tone for introspection and the practice of presence.

Verdant Convivial Production Kansas City

We hope these grounding practices encourage you to take time for yourself this holiday season. We know the better we care for ourselves, the better we can care for others. 

Warmth and well wishes from us at Verdant!
